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IMG_2781The South is all about entertaining, eating and garden clubs…that’s just how we roll down here. We both belong to a great garden club with monthly meetings and at least two great parties each year…holla! But we have several dear friends who are members of what we call “the serious one”. So, when we were invited by the “serious” garden club to hear a wonderful speaker and have a delectable lunch, we didn’t hesitate to accept!

On the the date of the luncheon, we donned our finery (sometimes it’s nice to get out of the yoga pants and throw on some heels) and headed over to the Poinsett Club. Tables were adorned with the most beautiful spring arrangements, put together by the über-green-thumbed members. Lordy, these ladies are talented with a capital T! They even had a little pop-up shop featuring wonderful gardening tools, entertaining ideas and clever gift items. There were also three books available, written by the guest of honor, James Farmer. We barely got our hands on them! There were a couple of moments when we thought the fur might fly with the high demand. (Not from these belles, mind you…just sayin…). Luckily, we emerged with everything intact and autographed books in-hand. Time for some sustenance! IMG_2309 We sat down to a beautiful lunch that included Farmer’s pimento cheese (we posted the recipe here), his famous biscuits (one bite and y’all won’t need to ask why they’re famous) and a healthy serving of Mr. Farmer’s wit. We have attended quite a few of these “belles who lunch” affairs and have heard a good many speakers. James Farmer is, by far, the most engaging, entertaining, humorous and – most of all – inspiring of them all! We couldn’t wait to get home and prune a little from our yards (and the neighbors’)! We wanted to throw a dinner party immediately; and we could hardly get in the kitchen fast enough to make that pimento cheese…and we hadn’t even cracked open the books yet! Speaking of the books…we each came away with these two…IMG_2335His gardening book, A Time to Plant, was already sold out when we got there (at 11:32 am) so we are ordering from Amazon. You must order as well so you can find out about the May rule….or do you know it?? It was a pleasure to remind ourselves to bring the outdoors in, even in the smallest way; to rethink the art of entertaining as an opportunity to share and engage, not a chore or burden; to know that taking time in the kitchen brings tradition and creativity together…which then brings friends and family together.  IMG_2337Simple tasks bring great rewards, and sharing is everything! James Farmer is a true southern gentleman, and we can’t possibly thank our serious garden club friends enough for sharing him with us. But we’ll try by inviting them over for some ham biscuits, a cocktail or two, and camellia from the yard in a beautiful vase…all displayed on motha’s silvah of course!!
